What will this blog be?

What will this blog be? This blog will mainly be for the first-time hobbyist turtle owner. I am writing the blog that I would have liked to come across when I was researching turtle parent-hood. It will contain my thought process, things I bought, what I liked and didn’t like about things I bought, things I obsessed about that I shouldn’t have, possibly things I didn’t obsess about that I should have, beginner tank management and mistakes I made … etc.

Feel free to send pictures of your pets, reptile or not! I would love to post their pictures. I would also love any advice you have. I will probably post it here and talk about what worked and didn’t for me.

The blog may also have random things that I post including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Books
  • Video Games
  • TableTop Gaming
  • Wiener Dogs
  • Cats
  • Random Things I Bought

There will most definitely be puns, you have been warned.

I am a very organized person, so I will be using the categories and tags to keep everything straight. Use those to keep to the topics you are interested in.

This blog will be an overall positive place. I don’t mind dissension and discussion, but let’s keep it civil and remember that the anonymity of the internet does not give you license to act any way you please.

What will this blog not be? This blog will not be a comprehensive guide to turtles or tank management. I don’t know everything and things may be posted that contradict previous posts as I learn more and more every day. I am also not interested in breeding Cosetta and I don’t see that changing ever. I am also not looking to add more reptiles to my life. I love snakes and chameleons, but I am at capacity for pets (again, I would love to see yours and their setups!).


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