Ice Storms and Turtles

Cold Turtle by Liselotte Eriksson on DeviantArt

What do you when you have a semi-aquatic turtle and you lose power due to an ice storm?

If you are like me and had no plan, you will put her in a smaller container of water, devise some time of top that doesn’t seal it, and huddle with her and the dog under a blanket.

Turtles can survive in cold temperatures, they live outside during the winter obviously, but I worry.

For the future, we will be looking into a big power bank that could power her lights and tank heater through a couple days. I also want one that can be charged in the car or I’ll buy an adapter to be able to do that. Suggestions/Links welcome!

UPDATE: Much research has pointed me to a power inverter and a 12V battery. I didn’t lose power, so I won’t be buying them at this time, but it is good to know for the future.

Also, in a pinch, you can put a terracotta pot (with a hole in the bottom) over a candle. It will act as a heat radiator. I would suggest putting it on a trivet though.


  1. If it really wrecks face, I’m gonna fire up our fireplace and you can just come here. Even if covid fears keep you away, Cosetta can come over 😉 You could also borrow one of our car Halos and power her heat lamp with it. They’re just small power banks. And they’re charged up.

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