The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs

I will never post spoilers. These types of posts will just be general what am I reading/what did I think of it type of reviews.

Book Summary

Once a week, an eclectic group of women comes together at a New York City yarn shop to work on their latest projects – and share the stories of their lives…

At the center of Walker and Daughter is the shop’s owner, Georgia, who is overwhelmed with juggling the store and single-handedly raising her teenage daughter. Happy to escape the demands of her life, she looks forward to her Friday Night Knitting Club, where she and her friends – Anita, Peri, Darwin, Lucie, and K.C. – exchange knitting tips, jokes, and their deepest secrets. But when the man who once broke Georgia’s heart suddenly shows up, demanding a role in their daughter’s life, her world is shattered.

Luckily, Georgia’s friends are there for encouragement, sharing their own tales of intimacy, heartbreak, and miracle making. And when the unthinkable happens, these women will discover that what they’ve created isn’t just a knitting club; its a sisterhood.

Genre Tags

Strong Female Lead, Fiction, Knitting, WOSB, Single Mom

What did I think?

This was nicely written, funny, and created a really great cast of characters. The women were hilarious, they were flawed, and they were not stereotypes! It may seem like that, but Jacobs managed to break each one out of it and make them into a complex character that I enjoyed reading.

All that being said, I will probably never read this book again and I won’t read the rest of the series. I’ll just say that this book has a major twist/surprise ending that I did not enjoy. I don’t want to spoil anything, so I will stop there. If you have specific thoughts, email me!

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