Minor Set-Back on the Plant Front

So, lots have happened in the last month!

First of all, I bought the small Anubias Nana from a chain pet store (link). Looked cute, tied it to a piece of driftwood that I “conditioned”, was doing great … until Cosetta noticed it!

The heifer just couldn’t leave it alone! She uprooted the driftwood (I just had the ends buried in the gravel), pushed it all around the tank, and slowly ripped leaves off of it. She didn’t eat them, just ripped them off!

Eventually, she ripped them all off, then ripped up the roots. I don’t know if she ate the roots or not. I didn’t even get a picture 🙁

*sigh* So minor set-back in the live plant department. I am waiting on super glue (link) and organic cotton balls (link) to come in so I can glue the driftwood to some large rocks I got. Hopefully, this will make it too heavy for her to uproot. Then, I plan to buy the bigger plant (link) so maybe it will survive here until she gets tired of it.

Second of all, I decided against the Frogbit plant. I don’t want to cover the top of the tank and make it darker in there. As you might recall, the new film on the back looks good, but did darken the tank a bit.


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