Reapers Inc. Series by Angela Roquet

I will never post spoilers. These types of posts will just be general what am I reading/what did I think of it type of reviews.

Book Summary

Welcome to Limbo City, the capital of the afterlife, where deities of every faith mingle on the most modern playground this side of the grave.

Lana Harvey is an eighth generation reaper, a baby by Eternity standards. She’s been a low-risk soul harvester for three centuries, but her dead-end job finds a new lease on life when Grim drops a high-risk promotion in her lap. Lana doesn’t care for the Afterlife Council’s politics, but with her new assignment, she soon finds herself forging uneasy alliances with the movers and shakers of Eternity. These alliances turn Lana’s life upside down, doing everything from igniting her love life to attracting the attention of rebel forces looking to overthrow the council.

Lana would rather be having a beer at Purgatory Lounge with her best friend, the archangel Gabriel, but it looks like she has some demon ass-kicking and serious soul-searching to do first.

Genre Tags

Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal, Religion, Mythology, Strong Female Lead

What did I think?

I quite liked these. I enjoyed the writing a lot and the characters were very well written! In this world, eternity/the afterlife is essentially shaped by humans, so there is mash up of all the religions that have been given order by the grim reaper in conjunction to the 3 fates. Lana is a reaper that doesn’t like to follow the rules, she has a kick-butt attitude and isn’t afraid to take on Gods and Demons! haha Really enjoyed it!

  1. Graveyard Shift
  2. Pocket Full of Posies
  3. For the Birds
  4. Psychopomp
  5. Death Wish
  6. Ghost Market
  7. Hellfire and Brimstone

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