The Chronicles of St Mary’s Series by Jodi Taylor

I will never post spoilers. These types of posts will just be general what am I reading/what did I think of it type of reviews.

Book Summary

Summary from first book:

“History is just one damned thing after another.”

Behind the seemingly innocuous façade of St Mary’s, a different kind of historical research is taking place. They don’t do ‘time-travel’ – they ‘investigate major historical events in contemporary time’. Maintaining the appearance of harmless eccentrics is not always within their power – especially given their propensity for causing loud explosions when things get too quiet.

Meet the disaster-magnets of St Mary’s Institute of Historical Research as they ricochet around History. Their aim is to observe and document – to try and find the answers to many of History’s unanswered questions…and not to die in the process. But one wrong move and History will fight back – to the death. And, as they soon discover – it’s not just History they’re fighting.

Follow the catastrophe curve from 11th-century London to World War I, and from the Cretaceous Period to the destruction of the Great Library at Alexandria. For wherever Historians go, chaos is sure to follow in their wake….

Genre Tags

Strong Female Lead, Fantasy, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, Time Travel, European Setting

What did I think?

I was so there for this series! It was wonderfully written, lots of humor without diminishing the serious parts. Max, the main character, is just the perfect character to carry the series. This is a huge series too, with 12 published books, another coming in 2022, and a crap-ton of short stories! Highly recommend!!

If you remembers, I had reviewed Doing Time (link), which is a new series set in and interacting with this series. Didn’t enjoy that one at the time, but I may give it another chance after finishing this one!

Main books are on whole numbers, short stories/novella are on the decimal and are italicized.

  1. Just One Damned THink After Another
    1.5 The Very First Damned Thing
  2. A Symphony of Echoes
    2.5 When a Child is Born
  3. A Second Chance
    3.5 Roman Holiday
  4. A Trail Through Time
    4.5 Christmas Present
  5. No Time Like The Past
  6. What Could Possibly Go Wrong
    6.5 Ships and Stings and Wedding Rings
  7. Lies, Damned Lies, and History
    7.5 The Great St Mary’s Day Out
    7.6 My Name is Markham
    7.7 Desiccated Water
  8. And the Rest is History
    8.1 Markham and the Anal Probing
    8.5 A Perfect Storm
    8.6 Christmas Past
  9. An Argumentation of Historians
    9.5 Battersea Barricades
    9.6 The Steam Pump Jump
    9.7 And Now For Something Completely Different
  10. Hope for the Best
    10.5 When Did You Last See Your Father?
    10.6 Why is Nothing Ever Simple?
  11. Plan for the Worst
    11.1 St. Mary’s and the Great Toilet Roll Crisis
    11.2 The Girl With a Pearl in Her Nose
    11.3 The Muse of History
    11.5 The Ordeal of the Haunted Room
  12. Another Time, Another Place (Not yet published)
    12.5 The Toast of Time (Not yet published)
  13. A Catalogue of Catastrophe (Not yet published)

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