Turtle CPR

Turtles can drown! I know, freaked me out too. Not all turtles are great swimmers, Mud turtles are one of those turtles. I HIGHLY recommend finding a local vet that takes reptiles AND an emergency vet service that does reptiles. That peace of mind was priceless. We had an adventure with Superworms. She is not… Continue reading Turtle CPR

Categorized as Turtles

Ice Storms and Turtles

What do you when you have a semi-aquatic turtle and you lose power due to an ice storm? If you are like me and had no plan, you will put her in a smaller container of water, devise some time of top that doesn’t seal it, and huddle with her and the dog under a… Continue reading Ice Storms and Turtles

Categorized as Turtles

Picking a Turtle

When I started doing research on getting a turtle (fulfilling a childhood dream of mine), I ran into the classic problem of too much information! I was overwhelmed with the amount of information on turtles that I found. Most of the well put together information, or information on the specific turtle breeds I was considering,… Continue reading Picking a Turtle

Categorized as Turtles