Ready for Moving!

Buckets for tank water, check Small tank for Cosetta, check Cheesecloth for straining tank water, check Highly Engineered Moving Container for Very Important Turtle (VIT), check check and triple check! All systems are go!!

Categorized as Turtles

Wench by Maxine Kaplan

I will never post spoilers. These types of posts will just be general what am I reading/what did I think of it type of reviews. Book Summary Tanya has worked at her tavern since she was able to see over the bar. She broke up her first fight at 11. By the time she was a teenager… Continue reading Wench by Maxine Kaplan

Categorized as Books

Basking Platform Ramp Failure

So, if you don’t know, water will evaporate out of the tank. The rate of evaporation varies but my 29 gallon tank, about half full, loses about 2 gallons per week. Not an insignificant amount, especially when it comes to the basking platform ramp. I don’t have the basking platform where it rises and falls… Continue reading Basking Platform Ramp Failure

Categorized as Turtles

Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko

I will never post spoilers. These types of posts will just be general what am I reading/what did I think of it type of reviews. Book Summary Nothing is more important than loyalty. But what if you’ve sworn to protect the one you were born to destroy? Tarisai has always longed for the warmth of a family.… Continue reading Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko

Categorized as Books


So I am moving at the end of May and then will move again in August/September. The question has, of course, come up: How do I move a turtle? The answer is, very carefully haha My plan is multi-fold. Cosetta will be moved to a smaller plastic container with water, basking lights, and heater (possibly)… Continue reading Moving

Categorized as Turtles

The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna

I will never post spoilers. These types of posts will just be general what am I reading/what did I think of it type of reviews. Book Summary Sixteen-year-old Deka lives in fear and anticipation of the blood ceremony that will determine whether she will become a member of her village. Already different from everyone else because of… Continue reading The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna

Categorized as Books

Clearer Water!

The promise pictured, we are looking so much better! Just a reminder, I am only adding water and I am adding beneficial bacteria balls once a week. When we hit a month, I will do a partial water change.

Categorized as Turtles