Don’t Make My Mistakes

The highly qualified consultant (Biologist Friend of A, also a Biologist but of no help with aquatic turtles) that told me to leave the f*****g turtle tank alone was totally right. I was the problem, waaaay too many water changes. We are come to the end of the 3rd bacteria ball treatment and not taking… Continue reading Don’t Make My Mistakes

Categorized as Turtles

Water Changes

I have been advised that I am messing up my Nitrogen Cycle by changing the water too much and too often. For reference, I was doing a 25-50% water change every week. I have been advised that I need to LEAVE THE TANK ALONE! haha I am going to pick up these Beneficial Bacteria Balls,… Continue reading Water Changes

Categorized as Turtles

Becoming by Michelle Obama

I will never post spoilers. These types of posts will just be general what am I reading/what did I think of it type of reviews. Book Summary In a life filled with meaning and accomplishment, Michelle Obama has emerged as one of the most iconic and compelling women of our era. As First Lady of… Continue reading Becoming by Michelle Obama

Categorized as Books

The Nitrogen Cycle is Hard

It is hard, I’m having a hard time keeping the tank clear, that is all. Suggestions welcome!

Categorized as Turtles

Building Your Own Tank Decor

So there are some cool videos that I have been watching: They make their own tank decor and design some really awesome ones! I did some research and I think that I am going to build Cosetta a little rock feature. This will replace the corner platform and give her somewhere to cool down… Continue reading Building Your Own Tank Decor

Categorized as Turtles

Basic Tank/Water Management

General Levels: pH: between 6 and 8. Most turtles can actually tolerate pH lower than 6, but the friendly bacteria in the filter can’t.Chlorine: 0.Ammonia: 0.Nitrite: 0.5 ppm or less (preferably zero).Nitrate: 40 ppm or less. Starting the Bacteria Conversion ProcessIn order to cultivate good bacteria growth in the tank, “Cycling”, the nitrogen cycle needs… Continue reading Basic Tank/Water Management

Categorized as Turtles

Budget & Things I Bought

You may be wondering, “What is a good budget for getting and setting up a turtle?” Honestly, I have no idea. I did not have a budget planned out and I don’t think I want to know how much I ended up spending ( refuse to add up the below). I am generally a person… Continue reading Budget & Things I Bought

Categorized as Turtles

Tank Set Up

This was two weeks ago. So here are the things I kept and are currently using: This is us now: Moving the filter and heater to the middle has made a big difference! I am thinking about putting the dock back in even though she doesn’t use it. I may just put it in high… Continue reading Tank Set Up

Categorized as Turtles